Case Studies
Traffic Success Stories
Learn how GoodVision is making a difference around the globe, through automation tools meant for all stages of traffic projects

Efficient, Flexible, Accurate: Camera-Based Traffic Counts in 3 Real-Life Examples
Increasing traffic counts' accuracy, efficiency, and reliability is a never-ending process for...
4 minute read
Proactive Approach for Better Road Safety in the US: Near-Miss Analysis with GTS
In the intricate web of city management andtransportation planning, prioritising projects becomes a...
5 minute read
Reliable results and significant time savings with automated traffic data analytics
GoodVision is back in the Mediterranean with another success story that we want to share. We had an...
2 minute read
Smart Traffic Analysis for Smoother School Commutes in Chile
Norun are experts in traffic engineering, specialising in measurements for different types of...
2 minute read
Transportation planning in the US gaining momentum with GoodVision
Who’s behind WSB and how it all started It’s been 2 years since GoodVision started cooperating with...
4 minute read
How to easily estimate parking occupancy: best practice from the Netherlands
We often hear people out of the industry question what our smart traffic technology can do and how...
2 minute read
People counting in real-time with ATKI
Our Danish partner ATKI has recently been contacted by the Municipality of Vejle for their next big...
3 minute read
Case Study: From manual efforts to powerful traffic video analytics
We recently met our client, New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA), asking them to share some insights...
3 minute read